I've got a super busy next 12+ days: tour all day Friday (tomorrow); conduct interviews Saturday afternoon, then in the evening go to an event at the US ambassador's residence (!) with the vice provost of the UO who's on an Asia tour and wants to meet the UO students here; Sunday I put together a presentation for Monday with a group; Monday give the presentation; Tuesday hand in a paper that I will somehow finish (another 3000 words....) between now and then; Wednesday I go to Hong Kong to meet up with the parents again - I'll return Sunday afternoon, just in time to write the paper corresponding with the presentation on Monday. Then I have a week to write a 10 page (single spaced) economic policy brief for the following Monday....
Mom, Dad: don't worry. By the time you read this it will all have been done already.
The only reason I'm up now is laundry.
Here're some picture to redeem this post that is actually a public to-do list:

My dad vacationing in the South Pacific.

A shark at the aquarium. Look at all those teeth...
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