"Their $2 bill is just like our $1 bill, except you can buy lunch with it."
~Matt Hoffman
On the surface, the infrastructure looks like it could be in the US. Cars, sidewalks, streets - they are all here. But the people, the shops, and everything else is varying degrees of different. The campus bus that has a stop outside of my window is like a touring coach on the inside: clean vinyl seats, air conditioning. The drivers wash their busses at least once a day - inside and out. Prince George's Park (PGP) the dormitory complex that I'm staying in, has 5000 rooms in 25+ buildings, each with 10+ floors. Open air walkways, beautiful stone and steel architecture, fountains, plazas, lighting, and landscaping seems reminiscent of a tropical resort. I took a few pictures today (you can click on the pictures to make them bigger):

Today I also registered with the University, went to the exchange student orientation for the USP (University Scholars Programme - their version of an honors college) where I met other exchange students from China and Japan and met my USP Buddy, Archana, and learned the process for enrolling in classes.
Then we went to a mall where I had dinner:

this was S$5 - about US$3.
There were also views of the port, and of Sentosa island, the resort part of the city. It costs $4 to get there by ariel tram. We hope to go later this week.

Wow! That architecture is sweet! And that fish looks so freakin' good. Did it agree with your stomach?
They drizzled the fish with a sweet sauce - it was delicious. And I haven't felt sick from anything yet. I'm going to continue to eat my way through Singapore until I do.
One odd thing about the food is that although they put out evertyhign you could need to eat, ie chopsticks, fork, knife, spoon, there are never any napkins. So after a meal you have to find a washroom to wash your hands and face, or else you smell like fish.
Tom! this is amazing! It makes missing you guys less pathetic. One thing I've been wondering: is Singaporean English accented like a bloke from London? ALSO, I've met some Singaporeans here, and because of you guys I have a reason to relate to them! Definitely helps with small talk. Now the main issue is figuring out how to say what I want in French, because englishm c'est interdit! Okay, I hope this enters all right, every command key is in French.
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