Monday, August 13, 2007

Home sweet home

I've had a few requests for pictures of my room, but I was avoiding doing so because it was very messy. Well, I finally wore all my clothes, did laundry, cleaned my desk, and made my bed. My room is now a much more pleasant place to be, except that for the last 6 hours a strong smell of sour milk has been wafting in from somewhere. It's also pretty hot. I don't mind so much - it keeps visitors down.

Here are the pictures:





The bus stop out my window. The busses run very often, and start early. They're all manuals and make a lot of noise coming up the hill.


Grandma Chaz said...

Wow! I like the desk- very modern, especially with the iBook!

-Grandma Chaz

P.S. I love your blog. I read it every day! :D

Kevin said...

so . . . is it a) just a ladder to nowhere, b) a belt-rack, c) not just a ladder to nowhere

Stephanie said...

Wow, it's so lush outside! I only have like three hours off today, so I still cannot thoroughly read all of this, but I will be back next week and then I definitely will. Keep all the pictures comin'!